How to Truncate a String in JavaScript
How to truncate a string in JavaScript. The challenge is, the function must return the truncated version of the given string up to the given limit followed by "..." if the result is shorter than the original. Return the same string if nothing was truncated. Day 6 of 365 Days of Coding!
Day 6 Challenge
Day 6 of 365 Days of Coding! Truncate a string. The function must return the truncated version of the given string up to the given limit followed by "..." if the result is shorter than the original. Return the same string if nothing was truncated.
Day 3 Challenge
Day 3 Challenge of 365 Days of Coding: Today we are going to dive into simple ciphers with a Caesar cipher more specifically ROT13. Create a function that takes a string and returns the string with each letter substituted with the 13th letter after it in the alphabet (ROT13). If there are numbers or special characters included in the string, they should be returned as they are.
Flatten and Sort an Array of Arrays JavaScript
How to flatten, filter, and sort and array in JavaScript. The solution for a popular interview question flatten an array taken one step further to make it an array with only the unique values and have it sorted in numerical order.
Advanced Palindrome Interview Question JavaScript
The palindrome interview question is popular question that is asked in a lot of junior and mid level developer interviews. Here are some possible solutions for palindromes with punctuation, numbers, and spaces with an explanation of what they are and which is the best. Day 1 of 365 Days of Coding
Day 1 Challenge
Day 1 of 365 days of coding challenge: The palindrome interview question is popular question that is asked in a lot of junior and mid level developer interviews.