Day 9 Challenge
Day 9 of 365 Days of Coding! Front End challenge 1, Part 2. Create a page with a sign up form. It can have any input but you must require, first name, last name, phone number and email. The email must be a valid email and phone number should be formatted. Part two: style your form and page! make it pretty!
How to Create A Basic Sign Up Form with HTML
How to Create A Basic Sign Up Form. Create the HTML for a sign up form with a first name, last name, phone number, and email. Day 1 of a 4 day series of how to create a sign up form with OAuth. Day 8 of 365 of Coding
Day 8 Challenge
Day 8 of 365 Days of Coding! Front End challenge 1, Part 1. Create a page with a sign up form. It can have any input but you must require, first name, last name, phone number and email. The email must be a valid email and phone number should be formatted. Part one: Create a page with a basic form
Day 7 Challenge
Day 7 of 365 Days of Coding! JavaScript Challenge 7. Create a function that accepts and array counts the number of times a particular item shows up in the array.
How to Truncate a String in JavaScript
How to truncate a string in JavaScript. The challenge is, the function must return the truncated version of the given string up to the given limit followed by "..." if the result is shorter than the original. Return the same string if nothing was truncated. Day 6 of 365 Days of Coding!
Day 6 Challenge
Day 6 of 365 Days of Coding! Truncate a string. The function must return the truncated version of the given string up to the given limit followed by "..." if the result is shorter than the original. Return the same string if nothing was truncated.
Snail Array Challenge Solution JavaScript
The JavaScript solution to the CodeWars snail challenge. Given an n x n array, return the array elements arranged from outermost elements to the middle element, traveling clockwise. Day 5 of 365 Days of Coding
Day 5 Challenge
Day 5 of 365 days of coding! Today we are borrowing a challenge from Codewars - the snail challenge! Create a function that accepts and array. Given an n x n array, return the array elements arranged from outermost elements to the middle element, traveling clockwise.
Phone Number Formatter JavaScript
How to format a string or number to a US phone number in JavaScript. Solution for formatting an input to a US phone number format in JavaScript. Write a function that accepts a string of numbers or a number and converts it to a US phone number format.
ROT13 Cipher JavaScript Solution
How to create a ROT13 Caesar Cipher in JavaScript. The JavaScript solution for creating a ROT13 cipher with an explanation of what a ROT13 Caesar Cipher is and a couple of the JavaScript solutions that create the cipher. Day 3 of 365 Days
Advanced Palindrome Interview Question JavaScript
The palindrome interview question is popular question that is asked in a lot of junior and mid level developer interviews. Here are some possible solutions for palindromes with punctuation, numbers, and spaces with an explanation of what they are and which is the best. Day 1 of 365 Days of Coding
Day 1 Challenge
Day 1 of 365 days of coding challenge: The palindrome interview question is popular question that is asked in a lot of junior and mid level developer interviews.